Artisan was tasked to provide Phase I engineering and land surveying services. The original Levee was constructed in 1898 and was dredged in 1952 and 1972. The District maintains sub 2 & 3, totaling approximately 4.6 miles along Coon Run in Cass and Morgan County, Illinois. The area of Coon Run that required dredging begins at IL 67 and extends to Burch Road. A portion of Spring Run (approximately 1 mile) from Coon Run towards IL 100 also required dredging. The scope of services also included topographic, bridge, and hydraulic surveys of an additional 8 miles of drainage channels (Coon Run, Spring Run, & Eagle Run) in Morgan and Scott Counties. The IL 67 bridge (State of IL), Beauchamp Lane bridge (Morgan County, IL), Bunch Lane bridge (Morgan County) and Railroad Bridge (Norfolk Southern) were all included in the bridge, hydraulic, and hydrographic surveying scopes
Artisan analyzed the existing storage capacity within the levee from the topographic survey by studying the existing cross sections of the levee from top of the bank to top of bank from the Illinois River. Artisan then created proposed cross sections consistent with the District’s needs and the ACOE design guidelines to determine the amount of fill to be dredged from the stream without losing storage capacity within the stream. Artisan then prepared preliminary conceptual construction plans based on decisions from the storage analysis. These plans included cross sections of the levee and stream, details of improvements to drainage structures. Artisan completed Phase II Engineering services which include final engineering construction plans and permitting. In addition to the dredging of Coon Run, Artisans also provided pump station design, outlet improvements, and drain tile design for 1520 acres of property bounded by Coon Run, Spring Run, Eagle Run, and County Route 100.